I'm telling you now, I will probably tickle your toddler

   Every time we travel with my father, he finds a baby to play peek a boo with in the airport.  He can always make the baby belly laugh with his silly faces and goofy noises.  We eventually have to pry him away before he gets too tempted to tickle the stranger's baby.  I come from a long line of baby lovers.  It is almost like a love of chubby legs and baby giggles is engrained in the gene pool.  I totally inherited the gene!

   This little man was wary of me at first and I could sense that his mom was worried about that too.  But, thanks to my "baby loving" gene, I knew how to turn on the charm.  After a bit of smiling, chatting, and parent-approved tickling; he was very comfortable with me.  In fact, at the end of the session, his parents had to convince him to get out of my lap because it was time to go.  And I'm so glad I won him over because the smiles in these pictures are one in a million! 

McKinzie Jefferson