Mini-sessions: Fort Hunt, Alexandria

UPDATED: Fall Mini-sessions for 2018 are fully booked. There are still a few full session date open. Please inquire if you are interested. :)     

Growing up, my mother was the queen of Christmas cards.  She used her English Literature degree to write witty letters to keep her family and friends on the West Coast up to date.  This was pre-facebook, people.  While I always loved to read what she thought was most important to share about me every year, I refused to allow her to send the Christmas letter out in 2005.  Tell me, would you have been embarrassed that she mentioned that you had your "first real boyfriend" your senior year of high school? Being 17 is hard, but I've recovered. Now, I love that sending holiday cards is a tradition that my mother and many others continue.    All this being said, sometimes there is pressure to have a high quality picture of your family for said holiday cards.  Honestly, instead of feeling stressed about getting the right picture, I think it is just a perfect time to pause to document your family in this stage of life! Below are a few opportunities to get sweet pictures of your family in a beautiful park just outside of Old Town, Alexandria.  Keep scrolling to see a very fun recent mini-session in Fort Hunt Park.