Cheers to you, Jithu and Tyler!

Jithu is cooler than me.  We have known each other for years and I have accepted that she is cooler than me.  She taught me the term "meet cute" and when I say she taught me what I really mean is that she used it in conversation and I used context clues and later on used google to learn what it meant.  I didn't want to let on that I didn't know what she was talking about because she is Jithu!  I'm telling you, way cooler.  When she asked me to photograph her and her fiance, I knew it would be rad( why do I keep wanting to use the word rad? Is my nerd flag showing?).   Jithu and Tyler had their first date at Galaxy Hut in Arlington, Virginia.  She wasn't expecting much and had plans to go grocery shopping afterwards.  Little did she know, after hours talking at Galaxy Hut, he would accompany her to the Whole Foods across the street.  It seems that they were smitten from the very beginning, but they would never admit that because their relationship has a solid foundation of making sure the other does not get a big head and other assorted silliness.  Early in their relationship they also spent a lot of time walking and talking around the National Mall.  I love that they requested to have their session in these two locations that mean so much to them.  Jithu has a wonderful natural laugh and Tyler effortless brings it out of her.  There may even have been a joke about their grocery store first date being a "meat cute," but I will never tell which one of us said it! (See Jithu, your secret is safe with me!)  I wish these lovebirds years and years of happiness- cheers to you, Jithu and Tyler!